something for everyone

coming soon!


Do you struggle with gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux, changes in stool or unexplained weight loss?

Nurture Your Gut for Better Health

During the summer months, evergreens are the quiet participant in the summer landscape. Providing boundaries, privacy, strength...

Why Juniper?



What do you picture in your head when you hear the term health coach? Do you imagine Ted Lasso saying things like, “More protein, Norma Jean,” or Roy Kent yelling, “WHISTLE” every time you eat a cookie? Or maybe you think of some ultra-skinny yoga instructor in the lotus position whispering that you need to […]


Discover how to increase water intake . . . and enjoy it If there were a magic elixir that could help you feel more energetic, look more youthful and help your body function like a fine-tuned machine, would you drink it multiple times a day? You don’t need to scour Amazon or run to the […]


As the clock strikes 2:00 a.m. on the first Sunday each November, daylight saving comes to an end and early sunsets make for dark winter days. Not only are these days darker in a physical sense, but they can also bring on a darker connotation mentally and emotionally. According to a study conducted by Columbia […]


Are Power Greens Healthy? Looking to pack the most possible nutrients into your daily salad? Fortunately, lots of health and wellness experts have offered their takes on the hottest powerhouse greens over the past decade, but not everyone agrees. In 2014 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wanted to see which natural foods offered […]


Without fail, the single most common question I get asked both as a health coach and as someone who has undergone a wellness transformation of my own is this: What’s your secret? A few different things run through my mind every time I hear this question. First,I know what the person wants to hear. They’re […]


Looking for healthy, family friend meals? One of our biggest roadblocks when it comes to adopting a healthier lifestyle is the fear of bad food and complicated recipes. “boring. low fat. tasteless.” But we believe healthy food is delicious. And as crazy as it sounds, the less processed foods you eat, the less you want […]


Everyone wants to find a magic bullet that can slow down the aging process and help thembecome stronger and healthier. But the answer is really more of a heavy lift… it’s strengthtraining. Current physical activity guidelines for Americans advise adults to get 150 minutes ofmoderate-intensity physical activity, including two days of muscle strengthening activity perweek. […]


Have you ever stood or sat in the grass and felt peacefully connected to the earth? Perhaps youcouldn’t name the feeling, but you know you felt something. You may be surprised to learn thatwhen your bare feet or body come in contact with the earth, electrons flow from the earth toyour body. This is “grounding.” […]


The Halloween candy is calling. Can you hear the Snickers snickering from across the room? They’re practically begging you to come undress them and pop them in your mouth. The Reese’s Pumpkins you bought as a treat for the well-behaved kids in your neighborhood have turned into jack-o-lanterns taunting, “You can’t resist us! You can’t […]


Do you remember being a kid, lounging listlessly on the couch with nothing to do and nowhere to go, and uttering the phrase every parent dreads? “I’m boooored.”  Boredom is just as much a part of our human DNA as love and anger. In recent years, however, it’s showing up a little less, thanks to […]

Our team

Welcome to the Juniper Row Wellness Journal, a collection of thoughtful articles and posts created by extraordinary women. Wellness is a complicated yet crucial topic covering everything from the water we drink (or don't) to the careers we love (or wish we did). It is, as we will learn together with delight and amazement, so much more than food and exercise. I invite you to meet my friends and colleagues who make Juniper Row so special and to explore the articles, the insight, the fun, and the guiding light of wisdom we all have to share.

I’m Beth. Certified health coach and here for you.